September 14, 2008 by sharky
These days, setting up a private BitTorrent website is almost as easy as setting up a blog. Simply grab a domain name, purchase some hosting (that supports torrenting), and install yourself a script such as TBDev, TBSource, or even Gazelle. Tweak it up a little, add some custom images, and voilà - an instant torrent site. It’s done all the time. But to launch a successful private tracker, there’s more to it than that. No, we’re not talking about badgering members into donating to keep it running - you need an angle that the real pros are using. This includes the entire A-to-Z gamut of IRC services such as PreBots, PreNET and IRCd - not to mention total anonymity with offshore bank accounts & offshore hosting.
It’s not often that true sceners will divulge the secrets for developing a private tracker and turn it into something really special - and even profitable. This is "in-the-know" knowledge that takes years of internal scene experience to hone - rarely is it information easily parted with. For the first time ever (that we’ve ever seen), we’ve found a select group of sceners who are more than willing to help the aspiring private tracker owner achieve the ultimate BitTorrent site.
Want to know more? Inquire here at this IRC channel - The OPs will be more than happy to answer any questions. Here’s a condensed look (and explanation of) just some of the outlined services that are being offered:
Be advised that this isn’t a free service - as hosting/domains doesn’t come cheap for private trackers, and IRC services always come with a pricetag regardless of who you know. Strictly for serious inquiries only.
- • Quick Linux/Unix Work: — $10 USD/hour
- • Systems Administration (Technical Server Support): — $100 USD/month
- • Full WebServer Installation (Apache, MySQL, PHP, MailServer, etc): — $50 USD Flat-Rate
- • IRC Bots: Existing Bots Priced To Sell: — $10 USD/each
- • IRC PreBot Announce + Search: $10 USD/Month: — Announces the new scene releases to the site.
• PreTime Script (Uploaded [time] after Pre): $15 USD Flat-Rate: — Great script for serious private trackers! Automatically shows the pretime of any new release to the site.
- • PreNET/BOT Script: $50 USD Flat-Rate (Installation: $40): — This is probably the most sophisticated piece of code you will see, and very "rare". Basically before a release appears in a #pre (chan), it’s added to a giant botnet. If you want to get your bot into a scene network, you’ll need a good script such as this one to get it done - so that you can create your own database, store the release by its "time released", genre, file size, # of files, nuked or not (and why) - what network ‘nuked’ it, delpre (for deleting pres), addold/getold to get old releases (and add them to the database). $50 is a firesale on this - an unbelievable price for such a complicated (err…sophisticated) script.
• IRCd + Services Setup (UnReal + Anope):
Bot Services include NickServ, ChanServ, BotServ, etc:- - 1 Hub + 1 Leaf: $25 USD
- - 1 Hub + 2 Leaf: $30 USD
- - 1 Hub + 3 Leaf: $35 USD
- - 1 Hub + 4 Leaf: $40 USD
- - 1 Hub + 5+ Leaf: $50 USD
- • OffShore Corporation Purchasing + Setup: — $1200 USD Flat-Rate: — If anonymity is an absolute necessity (and it should be), set everything up through an offshore corporation. This is done by creating a company ‘name’, which can be employed under the cloak of the providers, or entirely on your own.
- • Offshore Bank Account Purchase + Setup (PayPal, wire transfer setup, etc): — $800 USD Flat-Rate — Remain untouchable with an offshore bank account - preferably through Panama, although Swiss Bank Accounts are also available. Again, anonymity is the key.
- • OffShore Hosting (Registered Under Their Company Name): — Why risk hosting your torrent site in a BitTorrent-unfriendly country? Not only is it legally dangerous for you, the owner; but the site itself is constantly in jeopardy of closure. Keep your tracker out of the jurisdiction of those anti-piracy agencies (IFPI, RIAA, MPAA) by hosting it in a tracker-friendly location:
- — Panama: Starting @ $400 USD/month
- — Russia: Starting @ $500 USD/month
- — Canada: Starting @ $150 USD/month
- • Don’t hesitate to inquire about any other torrent / hosting solutions that aren’t listed here.
— This is a non-profit service, monies are being used to pay for the new IRC network and servers at
— The above (IRC) services do not come complete with "scene axx" - i.e. scene topsite accounts (access) to the "warez" - for lack of a better word. You’ll need to find your own sources for the scene releases. Although, *wink* it wouldn’t be a bad idea to inquire about this.
— Additional website coding (site design) is not currently being offered. Need help with that? Check out or Freelance Projects. Many-a-tracker (and P2P/BT forums) have come to fruition from here.