The ‘Private Tracker Metasearch’ Becomes A Reality

January 16, 2009 by sharky

Public torrent metasearch sites are almost as popular as torrent indexers themselves - why search just Mininova when you can search MN, TPB, IsoHunt and others - all at the same time. It makes good sense, although this idea has never been all that successful when transferred over to private trackers, to say the least. We’ve all been dreaming for a way to simultaneously search our private accounts without the hassle of having to launch each tracker in a new browser tab, and then have to search them one-by-one. Let us present the Web’s first publicly accessible private tracker metasearch site.

This is a revolutionary new concept for searching multiple private trackers; all from one page! As of yet, query results aren’t directly displayed, but "positive" hits are indicated and the resultant searches are immediately launchable to each corresponding private tracker. Simply amazing!

Private Tracker Metasearch - A Concept That Began at

The concept of a private tracker metasearch was conceived and developed by gurus sanguinepenguinx (and sexten), and originated at in the forum thread below. As of yesterday, it was also the only way to access it.

The idea quickly spawned into its own web domain earlier today, found at Don’t bother trying to access it with Internet Explorer, as you’ll need Firefox 3.0 and a greasemonkey script called ‘Private Trackers’:

The Greasemonkey script, and How It Works:

You’ll need Firefox v3.0 (or better) in order to take advantage of the script. Also, you’ll need to install this greasemonkey script, found here:

1. Install greasemonkey, and the above script.

2. Launch

3. Start searching the available private trackers!


How it works:

Conduct a search, and checkmark only the private trackers that you have accounts at (although this is not mandatory).

— Results Found: Click on the corresponding tracker link (name) to launch the search results.

No Results Found: You are logged into the private tracker, but no search results are available.

Search In Progress: Self-explanatory.

Disabled Tracker: You have turned off the search for a tracker you do not have an account at.

Login Required: At the time of the search, you are not presently logged in to the tracker(s) listed. NOTE: This does not necessarily mean you need to have an active browser tab with the selected tracker(s) open and running. Most trackers allow you to "stay logged in" even when the browser (tab) is closed. When blue dots appear next to the results of trackers you have accounts to, simply log in to those trackers (in another tab), or by clicking on the supplied tracker link.


This is very new, and FSF will update this article. Keep up-to-date with the latest script, which is being updated continuously. Looking to request a tracker to the list? Try the forum thread here. Additionally, if you receive a message at “Please Update To Latest Version”, simply click on the link to the *.js file, and refresh the page; no need to restart Firefox.

Customizing It:

Right click the GM monkey, press m, select Private Metasearch, select edit. From there find all the trackers, copy and paste one and edit what is appropriate.

site.push(["What.CD","torrents.php?action=basic&searchstr=","Your search was way too l33t","","","music"]);

The line above has six sections:

1 - “What.CD” - the name that is shown on the search
2 - “…” - the link that is used for the search

i.e. if you want to make it for TV Vault, just change to

3 - “Your search was way too l33t” - the string you get when nothing is found.
4 - “” - the string you get if you are not logged in
5 - “” - the url for a descriptive search
6 - “music” - the category you want the search to go in out of music/general/video/other

EG - I added PreTome using:

site.push(["PreToMe","","Nothing found!","","","general"]);