Private Tracker Invites For Sale at

December 17, 2008 by sharky

If it were April 1st, we’d put a lot more scrutiny into what we’re about to report. It would appear that is selling private tracker invites. Just in time for Christmas, you can now purchase your very own favorite private tracker, for you or a loved one. And some of them are even on sale; such as which is going for $9.95 USD. Ironically, that’s much less painful than waiting to take their IRC invite quiz.

Currently, there’s a mere 13 trackers for sale (ugh… I hate how that rolls off the tongue), and they’ve amassed a decent selection of sites - showing that they obviously know their trackers. Pricing certainly seems to match the desirability of each invite. One "deal" that we noticed is an invite to ScT for $16 USD, which, if you didn’t know, normally "costs" 20€ (Euro) each or 4 for 50€ (or 12.5€ each), and even when purchased in bulk (4) from ScT would translate to an exchange rate of $18. That’s a savings of $2! How they’re able to undercut even ScT is not known.

Certainly there’ll be a whole lotta WHOIS checking done on TorrentInvites, not to mention sales should soon spike dramatically. We should hope that most of the new purchases will be done by tracker spies, sysops and admins. Don’t these guys realize how simple it is to figure out who’s selling the invites?! All that staff has to do is purchase an invite, link it to the original account holder, and ban the whole lot of ‘em.

We reported on a similar site earlier this year, called, which did not go over very well, and shut itself done after a short time. Other failed (but somewhat organized) less-than-bright ideas include selling invites on eBay, which recently netted a member from Waffles and

Can anyone say banhammer? We contacted the admins at, who had this to say:

Yeah, we’re aware of that site. We’ve caught almost every invite seller we’ve ever known about, and these guys are no different. There’s a team working on them now, and it should only be a short matter of time before their supply of What.CD invites falls through the floor.


Other Sites / Forums That Sell Private Tracker Invites: