FSF Tracker Watch - Nov. 14

November 14, 2008 by sharky

We didn’t want to have to rush and come out with another one of these so quickly, but there’s a ton of hot-off-the-press tracker news that just can’t wait. In this third installment, we’ve got some sneak peeks into the newest Gazelle trackers, the triumphant return of eBookVortex, plus a Google Search that covers 50 different torrent sites.

Waffles.fm - Book Week

Ok, Wafflers get out your reading glasses - it is book week, which includes all ebooks as well as audiobooks (both fiction and non-fiction). During book week, you will earn 10 extra points per upload in these categories.

You will also earn 3 extra points per download.
The top 25 contributors will each get an additional 100 points.
The top 10 contributors will earn 2 anytime invites.

Book week began at noon GMT on the 11th, and will end on the 18th at the same time. Use this link to filter the results to show only torrents valid during the Book Week promotion.

Our Notes: This is a great opportunity to build up points, which can be spent in the Waffles Shop for a variety of site stuff. And the best part is, most eBook torrents are quite small, so it won’t hurt your buffer much to get the points!

VReel Starts Beta v2 Opened Nov. 10

While not tracker news, it’s worth mentioning anyways. If you’ve had your name in to test the exciting release of VReel beta 2 (the highly-anticipated relaunch of HQ movie streaming), then now’s the time to log into your account at the VReel Forums to see if you were accepted to VReel’s closed beta v2 (wave #1).

So, if you were previously accepted into the upcoming rounds of beta testing, you’d have been notified by a message in your Inbox:

If you were not accepted into the first round of beta testing (on Nov. 10th) but you received the above message, it means you automatically qualify for the second round, which begins today, Nov. 14th. Keep an eye on your Inbox for a new message with login details.

eBookVortex is Back!

While the original founder of the old eBookVortex is long gone, the site has yet again resurfaced at www.ebookvortex.net. Signups are currently open, and there’s been 73 new torrents added in the last 48 hours. Past and new members are flocking in, as there’s now 1,150 users. There’s even an in-browser IRC chat set up on the site here. Props to everyone who worked hard to get the site back up and running, and we wish you the best of luck!

Bibliotik: A New Gazelle Tracker For eBooks

On the subject of eBooks, Bibliotik is a new side project from the creators of Cinematik. While still in rudimentary beta stages and just 3 weeks old, it’s running What.cd’s Gazelle codebase. Anyone wanting to help code for Bibliotik can send a message in Cinematik’s forum.

The conception of Bibliotik has been in the works since June, but it was temporarily shelved due to the main coder being "MIA". The resurfacing of Bib using Gazelle has attracted some big names; we hope to see a public launch as soon as all the kinks are worked out.

Filmdom.me - Gazelle Tracker for DVD Torrents (VOBs)

Speaking of Gazelle, there’s a brand-new tracker for DVD VOB rips - called Filmdom.me. The site is still being developed (on-the-fly), and TV torrents are soon to be added to the repertoire. Currently, no re-encodes are allowed, such as x264 and MKV files, but if untouched VOBs and DVD-9’s are your thing, keep an eye out for Filmdom.

Looking for an invitation? There’s recruitment going on in the Invites forum at What.cd. Here’s the link.

Dynamic-Universe: A New 0day Tracker

Recently-launched DU (Dynamic-Universe) is a 0day tracker that is really on the move. While currently there’s just 127 members, there’s already a whopping 900 torrents on the tracker, with nearly 100 new ones being added each day. Pre-times are decent, and speeds are good even on the ‘one-seed’ torrents, since the files are (probably) being hosted on a site seedbox. Presently, everything is set to freeleech, but Hit-and-Run rules are a little strict, though: "You MUST seed back at least 1:1 or minimum of 100 hours OR will be considered a Hit and Runner".

Public signups are closed, but if you’re a Power User at What.cd, check the Invites forum for a D-U recruitment thread (here). Feel free to join them on IRC at irc://irc.fuzionmedia.info/du.

SyncTheBits Opens Public Signups

As of right now (Friday, Nov. 14), StB has opened their doors to anyone who wishes to join - no longer do you need to apply or find an invite code. If you didn’t know, SynctheBits is a private tracker specializing in mobile content, consisting of themes, games & applications for popular mobile platforms (Windows Mobile, iPhone, Symbian, BlackBerry and Java).

SceneMovies Makes Some Changes

We’ve noticed three very handy features that have been added to SceneMovies since the last time we reviewed them:

1. Bonus Points - One point is awarded for each torrent that is seeding, per hour. Points can be traded in for upload GBs; and upload GBs can be switched into points.

2. "Collections" — If you’re familiar with What.cd ‘collages’, then you’ll know what we’re talking about. Movies are grouped into user-created categories (IMDb Top 250, Best Actor, Best Picture, etc.) with collections of torrents for each, in one easy browsable page.

3. Uploading and IMDb Parsing (with ‘Auto-Fill’) — Some members shy away from uploading because they just don’t want to be bothered with having to input all of the required fields for a new torrent. SceneMovies makes it easy: when uploading a torrent, simply enter in the IMDb movie title link name (ID), and it fills in the data for you automatically. Not only is it convenient, but it keeps the torrent descriptions uniformed and up to spec with IMDb.com’s film stats. A great addition!

Google Torrent Search Beta

Someone (W4rp3d) has gone through a great deal of effort to create a "Google Custom Search" that searches 50 different public torrent sites. Check it out here, if it can help:


Personally, I don’t find ‘Google-style’ torrent searching very useful, as you’ll end up needing to visit the site anyways to get to the torrent. However, sometimes they can come in handy for searching for something that’s really hard to find, or to hone in on a particular title.

New Trackers to the BitTorrent Scene

Nothing, so far, seems to be shouting out to us, "You need to join this tracker!". Albeit, these sites are all very new…

http://share.rzone.ro — Newer Romanian/English tracker with 130 torrents.

http://followthescene.com — New tracker dubbed as ‘general’ - not much going on here. Move along, move along.

http://leechme.org — Brand-new site, 40 torrents so far.

www.skatetorrent.com — Time will tell with this one - there’s just 6 torrents. The site seems like one giant advert - be warned.

www.torrentse.net — 13 torrents, 4 of them are external.

www.rlsthe.net — New tracker with a cool name, but with an uncool 37 torrents.

Down Trackers

PtN — Plagued with just plain bad luck (and bad hosting?) they’re down again, but should resurface in the next couple of days.

Secret-Cinema — Down for about 8 days now.