FileShareFreak Hacked? Our Birthday, Other Site News

October 20, 2008 by sharky

It only seems fitting that we should report our own hacking, if it were true. No, we weren’t "hacked" although we did have some insidious code circulating in one of our files. We can only speculate on where it came from - since we’re on shared hosting, and it was our hosting company that noticed it even before we did. A Whois lookup gave the location of as Hong Kong Hostfresh as the culprits responsible. The problem seems to be rectified now, and a backup was used to overwrite the malicious file. Further proof of how important it is to use a good antivirus program at all times.

Two really great anti-virus solutions are Avira AntiVir and Avast v4.8 Home Edition. The best part is, both are FREE for non-commercial use, and both work great in conjunction with each other.

It’s Our Birthday

October 23rd, 2007 marks the day in which the domain was grabbed. However, it wasn’t until at least two weeks later when we actually uploaded some HTML code to the domain, and starting writing. Perhaps some of you remember the old FSF - it was somewhat in blog-style but almost impossible to maintain in regular *.html:

The switch to the present-day WordPress theme occurred around January 19th, a much-welcomed improvement to FSF.

FSF Browsing Habits: Explorer vs. Firefox

Running your own site grants access to a variety of statistics. If our site is any indication of what the overall trend is for Internet browsing, it appears that Firefox is kicking some major butt over Explorer. Google reported over 800,000 visits over the past 9 months or so, with Firefox users making up for two-thirds of all visitors.

‘Bits & Bites’ on the Chopping Block

We’ll be deleting the "Bits & Bytes" section at FSF, as it’s just too difficult to constantly update, not to mention ‘hand-coded’, which sorta defeats the purpose of having a WP blog. B&B is almost a blog in itself, plus it’s getting rather lengthy - too long for just one page. The original purpose of it was to keep track of small stories that were deemed too small (individually) for one dedicated article. With almost 250 articles published to date, we’re beginning to get a little cluttered as it is.

One idea that’s been tossed around here is a "Weekly Torrent News" article, something that covers tracker site news, freeleeches, down trackers, new BT sites and anything else we can stuff into it - all rolled into one weekly article. We’ll try to get one going, and see if it becomes a popular format.

Thanks Everyone!

We appreciate all the site feedback - negative and positive - so if you have any suggestions for articles you’d like to see written, or topics not yet covered, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Our sincerest thanks go out to all of our fans & readers - if it weren’t for you, FSF wouldn’t exist. You’ve made the last 12 months extremely enjoyable, let’s see if we can keep this ball rolling for a while longer!

— Best Regards, Sharky