January 22, 2010 by sharky
By now, just about everyone has heard about PreDB websites. In a nutshell, a PreDB is simply a giant indexer of scene releases (not the actual files, just the release titles & other information about each rls). PreDB sources may vary, although many are comprised from an aggregated listing of releases found on various topsites and nukenets (high scene stuff, not from public/private IRC #pre channels). Like anything else, PreDB sites come in different flavors of thoroughness & usability. Introducing Dup3.me - v4.0 launched yesterday - by far the most complete pre database on the ‘Net. Scene freaks, you’ll like this!
Dup3.me …Origins
Dup3.me is the brainchild of SceneSource, a popular trendsetting release blog who is also a partner behind Trac3.me (for torrent races). ScnSrc’s PreDB was originally conceived as pre.scnsrc.net (it can still be found there) back in June 2008 and about a month later v2.0 was released - which added some extended features. In June ‘09 the database was updated as v3.0 and rebranded as a separate domain at http://dup3.me. Flash ahead eight months later; the new & vastly improved Dup3 v4.0 has finally arrived.
Theme shown below: Old School NFO
Dup3.me … Long List of Features
Forget about other PreDB’s - Dup3 offers stunning features and functionality unseen on other pre databases, including:
Stats & Browsing
- • Stats — Total Releases: 685,269 | Total Nukes: 22,221 | Total Unnukes: 2,679 | Total Groups: 8,366.
- • Date & Time Stamp attributed to each release, as well as proper rls title & group name. Great for confirming the afterpre on private trackers!
- • Site Categories — Browsable through categories on the homepage, as well as ‘clickable’ cats listed next to releases.
- • Various visual schemes to choose from (see Appearance). Users can change themes or use customized settings for links, background colors, etc. TIP: be careful with this when using your own custom colors (use ‘reset’ to go back to default).
- • Browse Release Groups — Click on the rls group name at the end of a rls to browse all releases from the same group.
Search Functionality
- • Search (Quick Search) — This is neat; if on the homepage, a ‘quick search’ (ie - non-advanced search) will search the entire PreDB for your chosen criteria. But if you’re inside of a site category (for example, XviD) then the search will only display results from within that category.
- • Advanced Search — As the name suggests, shows advanced options whereby results can be pre-filtered by group name, nuked/unnuked (or not at all), category, and even date of rls.
MouseOver Features
The first 4 category icons have a mouseover feature; simply hover the mouse cursor over each icon to get additional info for each release:
Nuked — Nuked releases appear as a highlighted yellow icon; unnukes as green. Non-nuked rls are dimmed.
File Count / Rls Size — Self-explanatory; hover over the question mark icon to display the number of files in each release, as well as the size of rls.
Video Info — Use this to find video codec, resolution, FPS, and audio codec (MP3/AC3) in video releases.
Audio Info — Will display info about the audio release - such as genre, year, channels, bitrate.
NFO Viewing
At Dup3, NFO files for most releases are also available (viewable onsite or downloadable). Click on the small info ( ) icon for a detailed view of options.
- • View as tEXT — This view allows for links in the NFO to be displayed (clickable), including mailto: and http links.
- • View as iMAGE — Displays the original NFO file as ASCII artwork in the browser.
- • SFV — Not sure what users will do with the .sfv file, but it’s included nonetheless.
- • Download — Users can save both the original NFO & SFV files as a hard copy locally.
- • M3U — A playlist file intended for MP3 releases (not yet implemented).
ScnSrc.net / Dup3.me on IRC
ScnSrc offers many of the same features found on Dup3.me, for those who prefer IRC.
Server: irc.link-net.org
Ports: 6667 (7000 for SSL)
- #scnsrc — Main channel where new ScnSrc articles are announced & general chat.
- #precheck — IRC version of Dup3.me, use triggers to search (use !prehelp to get a list of command options).
- #scnsrcpre — Pred releases are announce here; with info such as genre, rls size and # of files.
- #preonly — A cleaner version of #scnsrcpre, without all the clutter. Lists pres only (no info - just category & rls name).