SilverSeed - A New ‘Scene’ Music Video (MViD) Tracker

January 25, 2010 by sharky

For those who are looking for music videos, we probably don’t have to tell you that most private trackers are not exceptionally resourceful. Unless you’re fortunate enough to have an account to a really good ’scene’ tracker like GFT or perhaps ‘niche’, torrents for music videos are unusually hard to find. Not anymore. is a brand-new MViD tracker that’s a must-have for hardcore fans of music videos - and registration is currently open.

Officially launched to the public today, SilverSeed already indexes more than 1,600 torrents in under a month since coming online. SilverSeed is mostly about ’scene releases’ whereas they offer untouched scene releases - most of which are unarchived by default as per scene standards (no rars, so most everything is ready-to-play/view straight from the torrents).

SilverSeed Will Be a Hit

Here are just some of the reasons why SilverSeed isn’t just another tracker:

Everything is seedbox-hosted — SilverSeed hosts all torrents on 3 distinct 100Mbit servers (seedboxes) so even 1-seed torrents are quick to download. This also means there are no dead torrents.

SilverSeed Has SceneAxx — Take a look at the torrents; you’ll notice that most are ’scene only’ in their original scene format. More than 700 new torrents have been added during the past week alone.

AutoUpload Bot / Script — We’ve been told this won’t be implemented for two more days (once staff has semi-manually uploaded another 500 torrents or so), but SilverSeed has an autoupload bot that will post scene releases-to-torrents automatically to the tracker. An IRC announce channel will also be implemented in the next day or so, said to be at #silverseed.pre (channel name is still unofficial).

User Uploads OK — Unlike most scene trackers, SS also offers the option for regular users to upload their own torrents (both scene and non-scene are allowed).

TBDev Codebase — A great choice for scene trackers, especially for those that implement autoupload from scene rls.

Freeleech / Double Upload — Said to begin today, all torrents will be freeleech with double-upload over the duration of the next two weeks.

SilverSeed - Stats

Current Stats: