Three New (and Interesting) Private Tracker Blogs, Sites

March 05, 2010 by sharky

When it comes to discovering the latest goings-on, info and - shall we say - BitTorrent drama, one only needs to turn to a popular torrent forum. From there you’ll find blog links & news feeds, the latest scoops, and all the regular fare inclined to satiate the BT paparazzi and resident trolls. So, where are we going with this? Well, we’ve uncovered 3 new sites which we think you’ll enjoy (2 of them blogs) that cater to all things tracker-related. And you probably won’t find any of them listed elsewhere. (Blog)

LearnItWith is a brand-new blog that reports about trackers that have open signups, torrent forums’ news, and the like. They’re off to a great start; let’s just see if they can continue to find long-term motivation. We were contacted by the owner of ShareTheP2P, who had this to say:

Hey FSF :) We would like to say Keep The Hard Work UP


We have entered too in the P2P News :) i hope will not be a competition and we will be friends.

Actually, FSF doesn’t see this as competition - the two sites have a completely different format of content. This isn’t to say that LIW won’t compete against other blogs that run similar articles. Hopefully they won’t end up like the now-dead nkfy.blogspot or the inactive PiracyNetwork blog. Then again; the vast majority of new blogs disappear within their first few months, only time will tell.

A Look at LearnItWith: (Blog)

Update: 2010-10 - Due to popular demand, Onasoapbox is now offline :)

On A Soapbox is a different kind of blog, one that analyzes (even scrutinizes) private trackers in a whole new light. Here, you won’t find any warm smarmy articles that assist to promote trackers - instead what you’ll get is controversial hard-edged opinions. After all; that’s what a blog is - an opinion. If anything else at least the posts are wildly entertaining! Perhaps I’ll apply there as a guest editor… bookmarked! From their About page:

"On A Soapbox is the newest filesharing blog, with one major difference. While Filesharefreak (FSF) and Filenetworks both work with and help trackers and do and say pretty much what trackers want. We just don’t give a fuck what trackers say or do."

Sharky Says: I’d simply adore to be able to speak my mind completely (and I often do, just read the New Trackers articles). But other than that, I actually enjoy being a member of most trackers, so I really don’t have much to gripe about. Sometimes it’s probably just a better idea to vent it out on a forum somewhere, rather than publicly whine on your own high-profile blog. Then again; that’s the difference between receiving 30 page views a day and 30,000. (Tracker Reviews)

Update: 2010-10 - is now offline

Last up is, a new website that’s dedicated to tracker reviews. Logged-in members can rate & rank each tracker by criteria such as content, community, staff, speeds - as well as create their own reviews or add screenshots and add comments & feedback to an existing one. Ho-hum, you say? What’s so new about that? Well, for starters when a review is posted on a forum, it’s up to the OP to change/edit it. Peek allows users to interact directly within the existing reviews. Plus…

PeekInside isn’t afraid to post reviews and screenies that you probably won’t (and perhaps shouldn’t) see elsewhere, which has already been met with mixed criticism. Just read their FAQ to get a feeling for Peek’s bold credence, here’s a small sample:

  • Q: Can you remove my tracker?
  • A: We will not censor reviews and have a non removal policy.