Share And Download Spotify Playlists at SpotiSHARE

February 09, 2009 by sharky

If you’re a Spotify fanboi, we probably don’t need to tell you about the opportunities for discovering new music. With an in-program radio feature that rivals Sirius Satellite; and an infinite number of browsable playlists, the amount of music is staggeringly boundless. In our opinion, probably the coolest feature about Spotify is the ability to add external playlists from like-minded music fans. is one such website where users can find, share and download Spotify playlists.

SpotiSHARE is a place where you can come and share your creative awesomeness with others around the globe. You can share your Spotify playlists with anyone!

Filesharefreak spoke with pl4tinumpink, the owner of SpotiSHARE: "I started this site to give others a place to share Spotify playlists with anyone and everyone. When I first heard of Spotify, chills ran up and down my bones. I immediately fell in love with the program and the playlist feature. The only con was I didn’t have a way of sharing my playlists with anyone other than in IRC with a simple script. Now there is spotiSHARE!"

He continues, "Currently, there are about 2-5 new playlists added daily. I’ve been adding new features to spotiSHARE since the beginning. The newest addition to the site is the aggregator that is pulling in Spotify’s blog RSS feed. I added this so that users can stay updated with current Spotify news with ease. SpotiSHARE is undergoing development daily, and new features are being added. Not to worry though, spotiSHARE won’t become overcrowded with mindless attributes that make up most of todays sites. A user can submit a playlist once they are registered to one of the following genres; Alternative, Classical, Country, Blues, Funk, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Hip-Hop, Pop, Punk, R&B, Reggae, Rock, Techno, Trance, and Multi."

Downloading Playlists

Downloading SpotiSHARE playlists is as easy as it can get. Simply click one of their offered playlists from a category, and it will import into Spotify. Firefox users, you’ll be prompted to select a program to handle these links, select "Spotify" and place a checkmark in the box ‘Remember my choice’ so that Firefox does this automatically from now on.

Back in the main Spotify window, you’ll notice the new playlist in the left window. Double-click it, or right click and select "Play".

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