SceneSound - The New SoftMP3 Scene Music Tracker

June 02, 2009 by sharky

If you think the tracker logo below looks somewhat familiar, you just have to scroll down about 6 articles before realizing that it’s the same as SoftMP3’s old logo. Ever since SweDVDR and SoftMP3 decided to do their part for the BitTorrent hydra by offering their tracker sourcecode, at least two brand-new trackers have now emerged. is based on SoftMP3’s code, and is shaping up to be one hell of a scene music tracker (signups are currently open).

SceneSound has already amassed an impressive 700+ torrents in just 2-3 days. SceneSound is also considered a 0day-scene music tracker - anything that has been released in the past 7 days goes to the NEW browse category. Music releases that are older than this 7-day threshold are added to the Archive section, or the Lossless area.

SceneSound Features…

If you’re already familiar with SoftMP3, then nothing here will surprise you.

1/3 Download — Like its predecessor, maintaining a good ratio is easy since only 1/3 of the download is counted. A minimum global ratio of 0.5 is required.

Great Pre-times — SceneSound is an amazing tracker for fresh new scene music releases (only ’scene’ music is allowed). There are no "packs" or discographies (unless they were originally released as such).

TopLists / Digg — Uses a "Digg" system which is incorporated into TopList weighting. Music can be ranked/rated according to popularity (great for music/artist discovery).

Customized RSS Feeds — RSS feeds can be generated for each category of music.

Customized Start Page — Popular albums/singles (Toplists) are laid out on the start page, which can also be customized.

Multi-language — 8-language support on the tracker (which can be changed in your profile).

All in all, look for SceneSound to make a tremendous impact. New members (and torrents) are flooding in at record pace, marking SceneSound as the official SoftMP3 successor.