Ripping to v0 (MP3) on Mac OS X using Max

courtesy of zaren.

You can download max here:

When you open Max, and insert a audio CD, you get something like this:

Max will automatically look up your CD, make sure to check if the info is correct. If Max doesn’t look up this info, go to Preferences -> General and tick: Automatically acquire artist and track names.

Now, before you hit the encode button, go to Preferences -> Formats and select mp3. Now hit the encoder settings and use these:

Now once you did this. At the preferences, under Output, choose where you want your output to be saved.

Now, after you ticked the songs you want to rip/encode you can hit the encode button.

After you rip it, you can create an m3u in terminal using this command:

cd path/of/ripped/files ls > "Artist - Album.m3u"

The final result will be this:

Another nice tip is to simply drag the folder containing your ripped files onto the Terminal window; this will automatically type out the path of it for you.