FLAC to MP3 on Linux

courtesy of mikkoc.

This isn’t exactly a tutorial, but I found this very nice script and thought I should share it.

Just modify the first line, according to the LAME parameters, and to the quality you want. Default is set to V0.

Create a new file with your preferred editor, copy-paste the script, save it, for example, "Flac2Mp3", and change the permissions making it executable:

chmod 755 Flac2Mp3

If you want to be able to execute the script globally you need to copy it in some directory in your $PATH. For example /usr/bin /bin /opt/bin

If you use Ubuntu:

sudo cp Flac2Mp3 /usr/bin/

Also, you will need lame and flac, if you use ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install flac lame

Finally, to use it:

Flac2Mp3 filename.flac

Flac2Mp3 *.flac

-> converts all the .flac files in the current directory

Script starts here:

# Flac to Mp3 Conversion Software #
# Script Created by Nick Sklavenitis #
# Date: September 18 2007 #
# modify the lame options to your preference example change -b 320 to -b 128 or -b 192 or -b 256
lame_opts=" –vbr-new -V 0 -k "

# Creates the loop that allows more than 1 file to be specified, Can use single file name or example *.flac
for x in "${@}"
MP3=`basename "${FLAC%.flac}.mp3"`
[ -r "$FLAC" ] || { echo can not read file \"$FLAC\" >&1 ; exit 1 ; } ;

#This section pulls the Tag info from flac and stores it as a variable.

TITLE="`metaflac –show-tag=TITLE "$FLAC" | awk -F = ‘{ printf($2) }’`"
ALBUM="`metaflac –show-tag=ALBUM "$FLAC" | awk -F = ‘{ printf($2) }’`"
ARTIST="`metaflac –show-tag=ARTIST "$FLAC" | awk -F = ‘{ printf($2) }’`"
TRACKNUMBER="`metaflac –show-tag=TRACKNUMBER "$FLAC" | awk -F = ‘{ printf($2) }’`"
GENRE="`metaflac –show-tag=GENRE "$FLAC" | awk -F = ‘{ printf($2) }’`"
COMMENT="`metaflac –show-tag=COMMENT "$FLAC" | awk -F = ‘{ printf($2) }’`"
DATE="`metaflac –show-tag=DATE "$FLAC" | awk -F = ‘{ printf($2) }’`"

#This section handles the conversion of the Flac file to MP3

flac -dc "$FLAC" | lame${lame_opts} \
–tt "$TITLE" \
–tg "$GENRE" \
–ty "$DATE" \
–ta "$ARTIST" \
–tl "$ALBUM" \
–add-id3v2 \
- "$MP3"