courtesy of RagingGazebo.
It is usually recommended that Linux users try to get EAC working with Wine. However, this doesn’t always work.
When Wine and EAC don’t want to cooperate, Rubyripper, with its test-and-copy layer on top of cdparanoia’s oft-bemoaned correction, is the next best thing.
Method 1: install via your distro’s package manager.
This is the most convenient way, but it won’t always give you the most up-to-date version, even if Rubyripper is in your distro’s repositories.
Method 2: run it from your home directory
1. Download the tarball from (0.4.4 is the current version at the time of writing)
2. untar it in ~/local (or the directory of your choice): tar -xjvf rubyripper-0.4.4.tar.bz2
3. Install the dependencies listed in the README. (if you’re using this method because the distro-provided version is out of date, you can still use the package manager to install these)
Method 3: install from the tarball
This method is, by and large, probably not needed, given that Rubyripper is a ruby script and needs no compilation, so Method 2 should suffice.
1. Download the tarball from (0.4.4 is the current version at the time of writing)
2. untar it in ~/local (or the directory of your choice): tar -xjvf rubyripper-0.4.4.tar.bz2
3. Install the dependencies listed in the README. (if you’re using this method because the distro-provided version is out of date, you can still use the package manager to install these)
4. Follow the installation instructions in the README file.
Launch Rubyripper: Click the Preferences button in the upper left corner of the window.
Secure Ripping:
1. Look up your CD drives read offset in the AccurateRip database.
2. Copy the read offset value into the Cdrom offset field.
Recommended Ripping Options:
- — Match all chunks: 2 times
- — Match erroneous chunks: 3 times
- — Maximum trials: 20 (?)
You can probably leave the Ripping options at their defaults, however, it doesn’t hurt to bump the Match erroneous chunks value up to 3.
If you don’t set the Maximum trials, a badly scratched CD could cause Rubyripper to keep trying for hours before randomly getting matches on bad chunks. (note: if this happens, please do not upload your rip)
Ripping related:
Pass cdparanoia options: -Z
— This disables cdparanoia’s built-in correction and leaves you relying entirely on Rubyripper’s test-and-copy method. The speed benefit of this may be worth it, given cdparanoia’s reputation of not having very secure correction on its own.
--best -V
This will produce the smallest files, but encoding may take a little longer.
-5 -V
This is the default compression level, slightly larger than the highest compression, -8, but the encoding will go faster.
(note: many/most Linux distributions ship the official encoder. The tweaked and tuned aoTuV beta 5 encoder is recommended as superior by HydrogenAudio. If your distro doesn’t ship this version, see the section on aoTuV Oggenc under Other codecs.
-q 6
This is the lowest quality preset allowed. Its nominal bitrate is 192kbps, but the actual average can vary widely depending on the type of music.
-q 7 and -q 8
These are the recommended presets. Their nominal bitrates are 224kbps and 256kbps, respectively
-q 9
This produces VBR files at the same nominal bitrate as the highest possible CBR mp3.
-q 10
This is the highest setting, and produces 500kbps nominal VBR files; don’t use it. Use FLAC/Lossless if you care that much about quality.
-V 2 --vbr-new
V2 is the lowest quality VBR preset allowed on the tracker.
-V 0 --vbr-new
This is the highest quality VBR preset. Many people prefer this.
-b 320
This will give you the maximum possible constant bitrate of 320kbps. Many view this to be overly wasteful compared to V0 (which can hit 320kbps when it needs to) and not necessary, but some people appreciate that extra little bit.
This is where you would put settings for other codecs, such as AAC (with FAAC), or updated versions of the above codecs that your distribution doesn’t yet include.
aoTuV Oggenc
1. If your distribution does not already ship a version of oggenc with Aoyumi’s tunings, download it from and uncompress it somewhere where you can run it.
2. Disable the Create m3u playlist option in the Codec related section at the bottom of the window
3. Include the following line in the Other field of Rubyripper’s codec settings:
~/local/bin/oggenc-aotuvb5 -q 7 -d %y -N %n -t "%t" -l "%b" -a "%a" -G "%g" -o "%o.ogg" %i
3.1. Replace ~/local/bin/ with the directory where you placed the executable
3.2. Replace -q 7 with your desired quality preset.
The defaults should be sufficient here.
Filenaming schemes must include, at the very least, Artist and Album in the directory name and Tracknumber and Trackname in the filename.
— Base directory: this can be wherever you want the resulting files to be.
The following are decent settings but can be tweaked so long as all the appropriate data remains.
— Standard: %a - (%y) %b/%n - %t
— Various artists: %a (%y) %b/%n - %va - %t
Click the arrow by Show options for "Filenaming scheme" for a list of variables that can be used.
The Programs of choice and Debug options are matters of personal preference and do not actually have any effect on the rip.
TIP: Compile from SVN if you have the freedb bug: