courtesy of somnorific.
Features of this script:
— GUI for all user interaction (through zenity)
— List of default lame encoding options to choose from (320, V0, V2)
— Ability to convert to all of the default encoding types
— Can also use custom lame encoding options
— Choice of default folder naming - eg if your FLAC files are in Music/Artist - Album/ then your converted 320 files will be placed in Music/Artist - Album (320)/ - this saves some time by not having to locate all of the directories.
— Choice to move over all other non FLAC files (log, cue, m3u, etc…) using rsync
All choices are presented at the start, instituting a set-it-and-forget-it methodology (like that chicken cooker thing on TV - which looks pretty cool).
You need to have perl, flac, lame, zenity, and rsync (if you choose to move over other files) installed. With certain flavors of linux this is as simple as apt-get install perl flac lame zenity rsync . With others… I really don’t know.
You may need to adjust the first line to point to your perl installation. (I use the command: which perl to find this information, it may be the same or different from you.
Any feedback or concerns are certainly welcome.
Save the below code to a file with whatever name you want, eg . You’ll also want to chmod u x to allow it to be executed. It also might be handy to move the file into a directory that’s in your PATH so that you can execute it anywhere (eg /usr/bin/ ).
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;#########################################################
# Flac to Mp3 Perl Converter
# Created by: Somnorific
# Based on: Scripts by Falkano and Nick Sklaventitis
# Date: June 26, 2008
# Requires: perl, zenity, flac, lame, and rsync
# Tested on: Ubuntu (Hardy)
########################################################## List of default encoding options, add to this list if you want more
my %lameOptions = (
"320" => ["-b 320 --ignore-tag-errors", ''],
"V0" => ["-V 0 --vbr-new --ignore-tag-errors", ''],
"V2" => ["-V 2 --vbr-new --ignore-tag-errors", '']
my $move_other = 0;# Ask for the directory containing the FLAC files
my $dialog_flac = "zenity –file-selection –title ‘FLAC directory’ –directory";
my $flac_dir = ”;
if (!($flac_dir = `$dialog_flac`)) {
exit 0;
chomp($flac_dir);# Ask how the files should be encoded
my $dialog_lame = "zenity –list –text ‘LAME Options’ –width 400 –height 300 –radiolist –column ‘Choose’ –column ‘Option’ TRUE";
for my $lameOption ( keys %lameOptions ) {
$dialog_lame .= " ‘" . $lameOption . "’ FALSE";
$dialog_lame .= " ‘All’ FALSE ‘Other’";
my $lame_choice = ”;
if (!($lame_choice = `$dialog_lame`)) {
exit 0;
if ($lame_choice eq ‘Other’) { # If other, present user with a text box to manually type in encoding options
my $dialog_other = "zenity –entry –title ‘LAME Options’ –width 200 –text ‘Please enter custom LAME encoder options’";
if (!($lame_choice = `$dialog_other`)) {
exit 0;
%lameOptions = ();
%lameOptions = ( ‘Custom’ => [$lame_choice, ''] );
} elsif ($lame_choice ne ‘All’) { # If a specific default encoding type is chosen, save it and remove the others
my @temp = @{$lameOptions{$lame_choice}};
%lameOptions = ();
%lameOptions = ( $lame_choice => [$temp[0], ”] );
# If neither of the above, the array remains the same as all of the encoding types will be used# Ask if you would like to use default folder naming
# Default folder naming places the files in a folder with this structure: "flac_dir (encoding_type)"
my $dialog_type = "zenity –question –title ‘MP3 Folder Naming’ –text ‘Use default folder naming?’";
if ($?) { # If not using default, ask the user which directory should be used for whichever encoding they chose
foreach my $lame_option (keys %lameOptions) {
my $dialog_mp3 = "zenity –file-selection –title ‘MP3 directory for " . $lame_option . "’ –directory";
my $mp3_dir = ”;
if (!($mp3_dir = `$dialog_mp3`)) {
exit 0;
$lameOptions{ $lame_option }[1] = $mp3_dir;
} else { # If using default, make the directories using the default naming scheme
foreach my $lame_option (keys %lameOptions) {
my $mp3_dir = $flac_dir . " ($lame_option)";
`mkdir "$mp3_dir"`;
$lameOptions{ $lame_option }[1] = $mp3_dir;
}# Ask to move other files (playlists, image art, etc)
my $dialog_move = "zenity –question –title ‘Other Files’ –text ‘Move other non-FLAC files?’";
if (!$?) {
$move_other = 1;
}# Gather all of the flac files
opendir(DIR, $flac_dir);
my @files = grep(/\.flac$/,readdir(DIR));
closedir(DIR);# Loop through each of the encodings chosen
for my $lame_option ( keys %lameOptions ) {
print "\nEncoding with $lame_option started…\n";# Pull out the directories and flags from the array
my @mp3_arry = @{$lameOptions{$lame_option}};
my $mp3_dir = $mp3_arry[1];
my $lame_flags = $mp3_arry[0];# Loop through each of the FLAC files
foreach my $file (@files) {
# Create the destination mp3 filename
my $mp3_filename = `basename "$file" .flac`;
$mp3_filename = $mp3_dir."/".$mp3_filename.".mp3";# Grab the tag info from the FLAC
my %flac_tags = (’TITLE’,”,’ALBUM’,”,’ARTIST’,”,’TRACKNUMBER’,”,’GENRE’,”,’COMMENT’,”,’DATE’,”);
for my $tag ( keys %flac_tags ) {
$flac_tags{ $tag } = `metaflac –show-tag=$tag "$flac_dir/$file" | awk -F = ‘{ printf(\$2) }’`;
}# Build the conversion script and do the actual conversion
my $flac_command = "flac -dc \"$flac_dir/$file\" | lame $lame_flags " .
"–tt \"" . $flac_tags{’TITLE’} . "\" " .
"–tl \"" . $flac_tags{’ALBUM’} . "\" " .
"–ta \"" . $flac_tags{’ARTIST’} . "\" " .
"–tn \"" . $flac_tags{’TRACKNUMBER’} . "\" " .
"–tg \"" . $flac_tags{’GENRE’} . "\" " .
"–ty \"" . $flac_tags{’DATE’} . "\" " .
"–add-id3v2 - \"$mp3_filename\" 2>&1";
}print "\nEncoding with $lame_option finished…\n";
# Move over any other files using rsync
if ($move_other) {
my $rsync_comm = "rsync -a –exclude \"*.flac\" \"$flac_dir/\" \"$mp3_dir/\"";
}print "\nAll encodings finished, bye…\n";