DidItLeak - Serving Up Freshly Leaked Music Releases

September 27, 2008 by sharky

Unless today is your first day on the ‘Net, we probably don’t have to tell you that new music is often handily available for download weeks, even months before an official ’street’ CD retail release date. If you’re looking for the newest leaked music releases - check out Did It Leak - not only do they report the latest music leaks but also offer the coinciding official street date alongside the leaks. How cool is that?!

Did It Leak originally started from the fall of OiNK in October of 2007 when many people needed an outlet to find out when their favourite albums had leaked to the scene. FSF spoke with the owner of DIL, and inquired whether or not it seemed to be an issue that they are offering a ’somewhat indirect’ angle to people to obtain pirated music:

DIL - I had never planned for the site to be a haven for piracy and originally had just hoped for it to be a leading news source for the latest music leaks, scene or not. (which i am proud to say it is today).

FSF — What started DIL, and where do you get the leaked sources?

DIL - We came from the humble beginnings, from tirelessly trolling various blogs and forums for the latest up to the minute leaks, to today, where we receive approximately 100 emails a week, full of tips from faithful readers and other unnamed sources.

FSF — Some of our readers have pointed out that you’ll be expanding a new section called "The Sink" to include a variety of other services. What’s on the agenda for that?

DIL - While there had been some pre-buzz for ‘the sink’, it isn’t opening quite yet. We are currently looking at legitimate and innovative ways to expand our site in the coming months.

Stay tuned for more info when it, er - leaks.

DitItLeak Accuracy — Without question, the information is precise. We decided to search What.cd for the latest DIL releases, and sure enough they were there.

Be sure to check out DidItLeak on Twitter - http://twitter.com/diditleak.

While you won’t be able to do any direct downloading from Did It Leak, it’s a great expedient for finding out what ‘Just-Hit-P2P’ - and then parallel the info with your own torrent searching. Trackers such as What.cd do offer the latest ‘advance’ music releases, although you’ll need to conduct specific artist/title searching to find the relevant torrents. Sites like Doopes.com also offer the latest music ’scene’ releases, but there’s no mention of how early they hit the P2P circuit.

Update, January 2010: Sadly, the creator of DidItLeak - Alan Carton - passed away on 01-16-2010. Read the press release article here.