July 05, 2009 by sharky
Here at FSF, we’ve got the fast track to a cornucopia of brand-new private trackers. Some are still in beta, just waiting for the right time to open up to the masses. One such site that we’ve kept a lid on is SnB - a brand-new "general" tracker using What.cd’s Gazelle codebase. Now officially open, SnB is currently recruiting new members through IRC, email
and even through an online application form.
NOTE: This tracker is dead, and any reference to it is held for archival purposes only.
SnB originally began as PlanB - a forum-style site that also offered RapidShare downloads, making it a fully-functional hybrid private torrent tracker & DDL site all rolled into one. After making the recent transition to Gazelle, DDL links have been pushed aside in favor of additional features.
"Well after many weeks of work, many sleepless nights and many headaches you have S n B. This site has grown out of our desire to give you the best the torrenting community has to offer. It is obvious that it will take time to build it to the level we want to be but rest assured that the people in charge are working hard to give you an experience you will enjoy."
SnB Invite System
There are no methods for finding an invitation, since the tracker is dead as doornails.
SSL Only (https)
SnB is all about security, and is set up to use secure-socket layer (SSL) - it doesn’t run over normal HTTP. While the tracker itself is regular HTTP, switching it over to SSL-only is in the works for the future. Feel secure when posting links (in torrent details, comments, or in the forum) - all external links are automatically anonymized through anonym.to.
Image Hosting & The Gallery
One interesting feature is that SnB offers internal image hosting for all members. Users can upload a virtually limitless number of image files (jpg or png). For example, custom user avatars should be uploaded to the Gallery, and linked to (in the user profile) from there.
Upcoming Features
- • Streaming Theater - Feature-length full movies will be streamed via the site, and for sampling movie torrents that exist on the tracker.
- • Custom radio feed, running off preset playlists.
- • Seedbox service available to members.
- • HTTPS tracker.