February 28, 2008 by sharky
Anyone who’s old enough to buy their own cigarettes is probably familiar with old skool P2P file sharing with KaZaA. And likely this same group probably even remembers when it just stopped working one day - dead in it’s tracks many moons ago. Do you remember where you were when KaZaA died? I do - I was at work and my girlfriend called me to tell me something was wrong with my computer; that KaZaA wasn’t working anymore. To soothe her, I said I’d check it out as soon as I got home, but I could hear the panic in her voice. Right as rain, KaZaA was in the grave - no warning, no notice - just a quick & painless death. “Whew…what a relief!”, I thought inwardly, “Now I can reclaim my hijacked computer and use IRC once again!”. No more blank movie files, no more MP3s with scritchy-scratchy bits and white noise, and best of all - no more bullshit from this RIAA scam & spam-flooded network. It truly was a day of rejoice. Good riddance to bad rubbish!
Anyways, KaZaA got sued and went legit. The only ‘known’ way to connect to the FastTrack network was to whip out a credit card, since it went entirely private and pay-to-use.
Flash ahead - four years later. We’ve tested over a hundred P2P programs, and not one has ever connected to the old KaZaA network known as FastTrack. We’ve tried KaZaA Lite, KaZaA Resurrection, KaZaA K Lite, K++, KLT K++ and every other KaZaA mutant. Many claimed and offered, but none delivered. That is, until today. Huzzah.